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Brasil Ayabas

Brasil Ayabas


Ayabas is a fully traceable version of Brazil Oberon, from Brazil's Cerrado region. Like Oberon, Ayabas has a flavor profile of a light, citric acid, full, creamy body, and sweet flavors.


We are currently tasting Tootsie Roll, Graham Cracker, and Nutmeg!


Region: Cerrado Mineiro

Farm: Varjão de Minas

Impoter: Inter America

Process: Natural

Varietal: Catuaí amarelo IAC-62

Acidity: Bright

Body: Creamy

Elevation: 800–1,300 masl


  • Roasting Days

    We roast every Monday and ship the following day. Please make sure orders are made before Monday evening to ensure your order is processed and ready to go. If you order after 9am CST on a Monday, your coffee will not be roasted until the following week.

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